
Real ratings

Popular with customers and experts

verified reviews

All ofinto reviews are requested, checked and published by the external independent institute Judge.me. This guarantees that we can only present genuine and unbiased customer reviews.

To the reviews:

Certified ergonomics and durability

Our office chairs have been tested and certified by the renowned IGR Institute for Health and Ergonomics. The IGR confirms the excellent ergonomics of ofinto chairs. Our gas springs have also been tested by TÜV Rheinland. Finally, the durability of all our products in continuous use at the workplace is ensured by certification in accordance with the BIFMA load-bearing capacity standard.

Award-winning comfort

Our products not only meet the expectations of our customers, but also impress experts. In June 2022, Klardigital named the ofinto Active the "best ergonomic office chair without headrest" and in October and November 2022, FACTS and Testberichte.de awarded it the rating "very good".

In use in over 1,000 offices every day

What our customers say